Linux Online Tests – 1Linux, Online Tests Test your Linux knowledge with our online quizzes and practice exams. Perfect for all skill levels, from beginners to advanced users. Enhance your skills and prepare for certifications today! 1. Linux Practice Tests What does the cron service do in Linux systems? Manages user accounts and permissions Automates scheduled tasks and scripts Monitors system logs and alerts Configures network interfaces None 2. Linux Practice Tests Which command provides a dynamic view of system resource usage? top df du free None 3. Linux Practice Tests How can you identify the largest files within a directory? find /path -type f -exec du -h {} + | sort -rh | head du -sh /path/* ls -lhS find /path -type f -size +100M None 4. Linux Practice Tests What is the role of lsof in a Linux environment? Lists open files and the associated processes Manages file system partitions Provides real-time system performance metrics Configures network interfaces None 5. Linux Practice Tests Which command can be used to find the IP address of a Linux machine? ifconfig ip addr netstat Both a and b None 6. Linux Practice Tests What does the command chmod 755 filename accomplish? Grants read, write, and execute permissions to the owner; read and execute permissions to others Grants only read permissions to everyone Gives write permissions to the owner and read permissions to others Removes all permissions from the file None 7. Linux Practice Tests To find files modified in the last 24 hours, which command should be used? find /path -mtime -1 find /path -mtime +1 find /path -ctime -1 find /path -mtime 24h None 8. Linux Practice Tests How can you view and analyze system logs in Linux? cat /var/log/syslog less /var/log/messages tail -f /var/log/auth.log All of the above None 9. Linux Practice Tests To view the contents of a file one page at a time, which command should be used? cat filename more filename head filename tail filename None 10. Linux Practice Tests Which command provides information about available memory on a system? free -m df -h top vmstat None Time's up Previous Post Python Online Tests - 1 Next Post SQL Server Online Tests - 1